Friday, August 17, 2012


Below, a moment from BCTC's production of "Dark of the Moon".

Greetings members of my THA 101 online course. When instructed, this is where you will come for lecture notes and occasional discussion of theatrical events. I will also post a calendar of events and pictures pertinant to the class discussions. When posting, you need not have a blogspot membership. Just click on the "name" button, type in your name, and post your comment. But PLEASE remember to put your name on the comment, so I'll know who's who!
Glad to have you onboard, and HERE WE GO!


Laura Towles said...

Hello, I put my introduction in the discussion board area, so I hope that is correct. Just testing this blog to see if I am doing it correctly. Thanks, Laura Towles

Laura Towles said...

Professor Davis, Do you direct the plays at BCTC? Thanks, Laura

Kenneth Jackson said...

Hello, My name is Kenneth Jackson and I am really looking forward to this course and meeting everyone. I am new to school after being out in the world for 30 plus years. Well I will check in often. Kenneth Jackson

Tim Davis said...

Yes, I am the founder and coordinator of the program (and yes, I direct the shows)

Tim Davis said...

BTW- Laura is correct. You are to leave your personal introduction on the discussion board on the blackboard site.

Unknown said...

Hello! I was wanting to ask if anyone who knows the Lexington/ Richmond area, where I could see a play? I am a newbie and very excited to see one, but I do not know the area well.

Tim X Davis said...

Brianne, you can't swing a dead cat in Lexinton without hitting a play! There are productions literally every weekend somewhere. Please note that on the main page of the blog, I already have three listed that are upcoming in the next few weeks. You can also check with (the herald leader website) and click on "entertainment" and it'll take you to a page called "LEXGO". On that page, you can access a very detailed calendar of all live perfromances in the area. Specifically in Richmond, I'd check out the Richmond Area Theatre or EKU. But believe you me, there are NO shortages of live theatre in this area.