Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Information of scripts you must read for class

1- You must select a total of three scripts to read for the course.

2- Each script MUST meet the following criteria-
* The script MUST be a FULL LENGTH script (a minimum of TWO acts, usually around 80-100 pages)
* It can be any genre EXCEPT a musical. You can go see a musical to fulfill your live performance requirements, but you may NOT read one!
* The script MUST have been written AFTER 1940. Thus, no SHAKESPEARE, MOLIERE, Greek, etc.

3- After you read the script, you will post a brief synopsis (two paragraph) of the script on the Blackboard discussion board. You must ALSO write a full length paper on the script, to be turned in at the due date listed on the syllabus. (Paper criteria forthcoming).

If you have any questions, please let me know ASAP.


Tim X


Nicholas Walling said...

Can scripts be found online to read or do we need to purchase them. And if we need to purchase them where can we do so?

Nicholas Walling said...

and also do you recommend any scripts.

Tim Davis said...

You're best bet for finding scripts is to check your library. For instance, here at the BCTC campus library we have an array of scripts to choose from. Most college/ public libraries will have scripts, but you may need to ask the librarian to show you where they are. Just give them the criteria (full length, modern, non-musical) and they'll hook you up.
Also, if you WANT to purchase, you can do so at most book stores. Here in Lexington, Joe Beth, Barnes and Nobles and Half Price Books ALL have a wide selection of play scripts.

If you're new to this, so good playwrights to look for are Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Neil Simon, August Wilson, David Mamet, Sam Shepherd, etc

Abubacarr sallah said...

I would like to read "death of a salesman"
By Arthur Miller.
for the scripts reading assignment